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Andrea Jaeger

Founder and President Little Star Foundation

Andrea Jaeger's inspiring journey unfolds as the Founder and President of the Little Star Foundation, where her unwavering dedication for over three decades has been focused on providing essential support to cancer-afflicted children and those in need. Through the foundation's extensive efforts, she has offered long-term care, financial aid, therapeutic play programs, educational opportunities, and outreach care programs, instilling hope in the hearts of children facing unimaginable adversities. The Little Star Foundation's impact is felt through several meaningful programs tailored to benefit children confronting cancer and other challenges. Among these, the Jeff Crawford Scholarship is a testament to Andrea's compassion, offering vital financial support to childhood cancer survivors accepted into accredited colleges and universities. Additionally, the foundation's therapeutic programs, spanning sports, arts, play, and animal therapy, have played an instrumental role in helping children cope with cancer treatment's emotional and physical toll. Moreover, financial assistance alleviates the financial stress on families struggling to support their child's treatment journey.


Beyond her profound commitment to children's welfare, Jaeger demonstrates an unwavering dedication to improving mental health support for athletes, embodying her holistic approach to wellness. Before embarking on her transformative philanthropic journey, Jaeger had already made an indelible mark in the world of sports as a young tennis prodigy. At the remarkably young age of 16, she was ranked #2 in professional tennis globally, besting formidable players such as Billie Jean King, Martina Navratilova, and Chris Evert, even before turning 17. Nevertheless, her selfless humanitarian efforts garnered her equal recognition, as she chose to donate all her prize money to support children in need.


Know more: Little Star Light Podcast

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